Donate to the STAR Eco Station

We invite you to join us in creating a brighter future. Every gift, large or small, demonstrates your commitment to the well-being of our rescued animals and our environment. As a non-profit 501c(3) organization, your contribution is tax-deductible.
You can send your donation directly to the STAR Eco Station at
10101 Jefferson Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 or click here.
Sponsorship Opportunities
There are a variety of exciting and prominent sponsorship opportunities for you, your company, or in memory of a loved one, including:
Special Event Sponsorship
Animal Sponsorship
Educational Program Sponsorship
Donor Wall Signature Tiles
Event Auction or In-Kind Donations
Do you own a winery, a chocolate factory, a rental company? We are always looking for in-kind donations that can be used for our animals or special events.
Corporate and Foundation Donations
Does your company offer Foundation Grants, Employee Matching Funds or Corporate Donations? Consider directing your donations to the STAR Eco Station!
Animal Supply Wishlist
Some of the most commonly needed items include:
Paper towels
Non-toxic eco-friendly cleaners
Large carrying kennels
Kritter Karriers
Toys and perches suitable for large parrots
Spray bottles
Gift certificates to Trader Joe's/Ralphs for the freshest produce to feed our animals​
Home Depot Gift cards
For any questions about donations, please contact ecostation@starinc.org or call (310) 842-8060.