Party it up, while doing something wonderful for our animals at the same time!
All party packages include the following:
2 hour rental of selected party space (10am-12pm, 12-2pm, or 2-4pm)
Up to 30 guests ($10 fee for each additional guest)
1 hour long guided tour for all guests
2 Eco staff members to assist with your party
Additional party supplies and activities available for an extra fee- please inquire when you book your party!
Book your party today!
Please call our Education
Coordinator at
(310) 842-8060

Party Package 1
Turtle Island - $1000
Take a trip to Turtle Island! This outdoor area is ideal for sunny California days! This space features charming sea turtle murals and contains picnic tables and canopies for shade.

Party Package 2
Galleria del Mundo - $1,250
Party inside Eco Station! This big, beautiful room works wonderfully for our larger parties! With a bonus of being climate-controlled and having extra bench seating, this is our most popular and spacious indoor room.

Party Package 3
Take Over the Eco Station! - $3000
This package price includes admission for up to 120 guests, and the entire Eco Station for your 2 hour party! Call for details!